Schedule your coaching sessions. You must have sessions available to use from a pre-purchased coaching package.
Post-Session Feedback Survey
Did you have a particularly tough - or amazing - session? Let your coach know how it went.
Renew for More Sessions
Become eligible for more coaching sessions by filling out this Client Renewal Form to purchase another coaching package.
Session Notes
Takes notes during sessions and keep track of homework by using this handy notes page.
1-10 Scale
This scale is used when taking the "Life Inventory Assessment" to rate your satisfaction level with each area of your life, so we can track your progress!
Eight Options Tool
Think outside the box by challenging yourself to come up with eight different perspectives, or options, for your goals.
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
This guide can help you create a plan for goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.
Coachable Topics
This guide will help you determine if your topic is a "coachable" one, and can help you to think of more areas of your life that can benefit from coaching.
VIA Character Strengths Survey
This free survey will help you to identify your top "character strengths," which, when used more often, help to ease the flow of your life.